House Rules

These are the rules for every Windsor Polyamory event.

Slosh Rules
Our events are geared towards learning about polyamory and developing new friendships and connections within the community. It is not a play space; therefore no nudity, kink, or sex play will be permitted at this event.

Open Communication
Poly is all about open and honest communication! Help us create a space that facilitates trust, where people can come to give and receive support.

Verbal Consent
Please be sure to ask before initiating any physical contact and encourage each other to speak openly about consent and personal boundaries. This helps foster a culture where attendees feel empowered to speak confidently about their limits.

Check them at the door! Being at this event does not automatically mean someone is sexually available, nor does it indicate any aspect of sexual orientation.

Windsor Polyamory is a diverse community and we will protect our diversity. Any form of hatred including racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia and transphobia will not be tolerated in Windsor Polyamory spaces, these include both in person events and online.
Treating everyone with respect is a must, including wait staff at our events. Anyone who is not following these rules will be politely asked to leave this event.

Safe Space
Windsor Polyamory wants to create a safe space for people of ALL identities, including those who do not identify themselves as polyamorous. No photography, video, or recording of any kind is allowed without prior verbal consent of all parties involved.